

更新時(shí)間:2015年12月28日 10:12

AviChina is rec長道ommended by Goldman Sachs, Deutsc什離he Bank Communication綠科 Bank Internati銀說onal in their respective 2016 t場個op ten chooses in Hong Kong stock marke照坐t.

Deutsche Bank issued its initi知費ating report on地間 AviChina this Novem機機ber, which says AviChina has a 火費defense background, ad體長vantages in helicopter, avi業火onics mechanical electr可員ical systems. It forecasts 錯現a compound growth rate of 23% annual了現ly, based on AviChina話就’s organic growth plu章木s expected assets injection. D多城eutsche Bank initia制坐tes with Buy rat雪得ing price target of HKD8.40.

Communication Bank International issu從下ed its first report this September,資可 it expects that as Chines靜通e government speeding up reform o商要n SOEs industrial一老 structure transfor體女m under Made in China 2025, AviChina w吧這ill benefit from more va看他lue-added assets injection. Comm年議unication Bank Interna有計tional initiates with朋鄉 Buy rating price target of HKD7.00.

Goldman Sachs f跳近orecasts a moderate improvement in笑近 listco’s evaluation 暗筆as long as new achievem用農ents in reform more policies on k風快eeping growth. Goldman Sachs reitera化空tes with Buy rating 但秒price target of HKD8.50.

