

更新時(shí)間:2015年12月14日 17:12

The new general aircraft model Y-12F,話音 developed by AVIC Helicopter- a 見為subsidiary of AviChina, has obt市內ained type certificate issued但頻 by Civil Aviation 頻謝Administration of China (CAAC), whic民件h is an admission to Chinese civil銀舊 market. This is a sign玩藍ificant achieveme花機nt in China’s ge我計neral aviation indus姐紙try.

AVIC Helicopter had also綠站 applied type certificate for Fede放務ral Aviation Administration (FAA), is跳時 on procedure of documentary r志很eview after com會讀pleting all test flights. The 林嗎FAA certificate will be an admiss如到ion for Y-12F entering intern器美ational markets.

Y-12F model is general aircraft with t理開win turbo-fan eng哥視ine, designed based o山爸n requirements o舊工f domestic overseas customers. I讀妹t can be widely appl是報ied in missions like transport輛什ation, ocean survey, aerial pho爸鄉tograph medical rescue.

Compared with its 家窗competitors, Y-12F model has la聽高rger capacity, lo綠學nger voyage, higher speed as well as件體 lower operating co理通sts. 

