

更新時(shí)間:2015年09月3懂慢0日 18:09

On 30 September 2015,有都 the Company entered int還討o the Equity Ac愛照quisition Share Issuance 匠件Agreement with AVIC, pursuan開筆t to which the Company has路船 conditionally 問匠agreed to acquire AVIC has condi月器tionally agreed報理 to sell the 100% equity interest 兒多held by AVIC in 我友AVIC Planning. 學都The Acquisition will be benefic商市ial to the Company in fur麗從ther extending its a地遠viation manufactur得我ing business to the front-end e還筆ngineering services, 兒通such as planning, design consultation s麗子ervices, of the aviation 是工manufacturing business, will furt物學her complete the avi生熱ation industry chain of the 們農Company. The Acqui飛煙sition will help raise the pr可計ofitability of the Group. AVIC Pl呢相anning has a relatively得員 higher management leve議站l with relatively higher business ca高去pabilities profitability, the Acqui知來sition will expthe revenue raise th西紙e profitability level, in res計數pect of return on equity, earning做民s per share etc, of the Group.&了師nbsp;    

