

更新時(shí)間:2014年11月27日 15:11


Supporting by Chinese gov廠筆ernment’s policies o照做n pushing forward transform upgrade of 兒和economic structure, stimulati商分ng development of emergi電窗ng industries strengthening national從學 safety, China’s avi坐醫ation industry, space industry defe照算nse industry has ex雜舞perienced rapid gr說費owth in 2014. In the Zhuhai Airshow hel長林d this month, Chinese companies reveale高如d hundreds new products that repr校放esent the most advanced technologi東兵es used by Chinese aerospac窗哥e industries. AviChina都拍, as the only aviation manufactur你分er in Hong Kong歌技 stock market, has attracted藍到 numerous investors from domest長白ic overseas markets.

In November, AviChina had attended s明船everal conferences held activi睡問ties to make a better int章門roduce of the com紅是pany to investors. Partic也雪ipated conferences sum醫門mits convened by GS, Daiwa, Merrill 務哥Lynch CMB. Invited analys懂做ts to visit Zhuhai Airshow learn the l通低atest aviation products. O校民rganized a revers醫短e roadshow toge子年ther with Morgan Stanley, in 跳你which investors 頻身visited Hafei Aviat什月ion North China General Aviatio市嗎n.

Those activities help 國業investors better un好兵derstthe present the futu姐船re of AviChina, being confident 紙身of the development of the company.



