

更新時(shí)間:2014年11月17日 1樹音0:11

On 11 November, the 10th China International Avia計亮tion & Aerospace兵務 Exhibition opened in Zhuhai. AVIC, the工很 parent company of AviChina, pa這用rticipated in the exhibition with 樂文powerful products. The說雪 new helicopter AC352 jointly d遠外eveloped with E綠快urocopter made its debut in the exhi輛校bition; the new short distance tr家坐ansportation aircraft Y12F made sp靜訊lendid flight demonstration.


    Hafei Aviation, the subsidiary o紙草f AviChina, signed framework a微兒greements for a total女你 of 109 helicopters fixed從服 wing aircraft in th這自e Zhuhai Airshow, with many domestic c高金ompanies overseas airlines. T是業he sales contract with Vision Aero Inc什日 for 20 Y12 ser我又ies aircraft has milestone signif到熱icance in China’s civil aircraft devel不草opment history, for 視外its the first time C資房hina exports such a large 還員number of civil ai票舊rcraft to US.

