Supervisory Committee

Mr. Zheng Qiang

Chairman of the Supervisory C金唱ommittee

Mr. Zheng Qiang, 日但chairman of the su近志pervisory committee, a master degre能資e holder and a research制吃er. He graduated from North短生western Polytechnical University 我分with a master degree兒男 majoring in aircraft design in 跳空1988. Mr. Zheng com雨上menced his career in avi業器ation industry from 1988, a可來nd served as an engineer, deput間子y director and director of Civil Aircr道人aft Division of China Aviat理些ion System Engineering話愛 Research Institute和近 (“CASERI“); deputy c唱嗎hief engineer and director of Airc熱銀raft System Engineering Research如影 Division of CASERI si場綠nce March 1996; deputy director頻數general and director-general 電請of CASERI since October房學 1996; deputy head and 歌視head of Civil Aircraft D花文epartment of AVIC I si商了nce August 2001; and assistant作市 to the general manager of AVIC I音笑 since September 2004. Mr. Zheng was 化校appointed as vice general 不玩manager of the Company from June 2009靜車 to June 2015. Mr. Zheng also served店醫 as director at AVICOPTER from Augus黃對t 2014 to March 2015. Mr. Zhe動村ng has been appointed as d但訊irector of the mana少黃gement innovation office of AVIC sin森自ce June 2015. from April 201計城7 to October 2019, 錯算Mr. Zheng was a su會煙pervisor of Sichuan 懂東Chengfei Integration Technology Corpo女要ration Limited. Mr. Zheng慢懂 had been a direct朋機or of AVIC Capital from May 2017 制訊to October 2020. Mr. Zheng微下 served as the 畫水supervisor and the chairman可麗 of the supervisory c師草ommittee of AVI家唱C CAPDI and Jinhang Digital Technol花做ogy Co., Ltd.* since November 20是愛20, and as the s離拍upervisor and t公都he chairman of the supervisory commi和場ttee of AVIC Internatio個近nal Holding Corporation* since Jan好姐uary 2021. Mr. Zh有爸eng has been the Supervisor of the 很舞Company since October 金遠2016.

上一篇:Mr. Guo Guangxin
