Supervisory Committee土舞

Mr. Zhao Zhuo


Mr. Zhao Zhuo, a master degree 身拍holder and a researcher. M物拿r. Zhao successively 道你graduated from Beijing Institut好高e of Chemical Technology呢弟 with a bachelor degr雜站ee of engineering majoring in匠熱 industrial management engineeri腦美ng and the school of management 綠靜of Beihang Univ費年ersity with a master de都照gree of engineering通物 majoring in management. Mr. Z熱他hao has obtained an EMBA d子風egree from University of Texas at A國拿rlington. Mr. Zhao has com店對menced his career in aviation indu相東stry since 1995. He successive下門ly served for AVIC Economics & 吃到Technology Research Establishment, the黑計 planning and development department為在 of Former AVIC司但, the general affairs division of新小 AVIC II. Since 2005, Mr. Zhao舊件 has served as the deputy director有近 of the comprehensive manageme道紅nt department, 務計the deputy director, director of th問快e internal audit department, t湖劇he director of the capital m媽書arket department, and t技計he director of the comprehensi來還ve management department of the C房票ompany. Mr. Zhao had been a s和計upervisor of JONHON Optronic f音理rom October 2017 to都影 August 2018 and a director of AVIC 志紙BIAM New Materials 得拿Technology and 知坐Engineering Co., Ltd. from森老 May 2017 to May 2018小舊. Mr. Zhao had been the Supervisor o他廠f the Company since December 2020.


下一篇:Mr. Guo Guangxin