
AviChina has successfully rais爸河ed funds in Hong Kong and been個做 increased by Airbus Group

更新時(shí)間:2018年12月14日河黑 15:19

On December 14th, AviChina (HK02357) a畫這nnounced its successful lightnin美身g distribution in Hong Kong,個湖 financing 1.367 billion錯你 Hong Kong dollars. The Placing Shares我街 were increased by a number of老在 institutions, o會路f which the str著美ategic shareholder Airbus Group increas兵間ed its holdings to 5% by HK$180 mi飛國llion, this is the th子他ird time that Airbus Group h數體as increased its share房城holding after parti見離cipating in the IPO.


In the past fifteen years, starting fr船亮om collaboration 器從in capital projects, AviChina離來 Airbus Group have continued to e南錢xpthe fields enhance the level of 時到cooperation. to multiple areas i開子n the aviation indu了知stry chain, including A320 ass很算embly line, Hafei-Airbus Composites Man是房ufacturing Center, the R&D pr時月oduction of H175 helicopter. At現市 present, the A320 assembly line has b呢吧een assembled delivered nearly 400新樹 units of aircraft, 說朋will achieve the product城吃ion target of 6 aircrafts per mont玩多h by 2020. The H175 helicopter was cert子微ified by the EASA in 2017 delivered to國場 the Hong Kong Gove他相rnment Flying Service醫月 in 2018. The Haf懂現ei-Airbus Composites Manufa員外cturing Center p都得roduces composite parts for A320 seri答朋es the latest A350XWB aircraft, 廠微delivered the 1000th A320 airc問歌raft rudder in 2017, bei鄉在ng the only supplier of it.


In the past 40 years of放計 reform opening up, AVIC h日和as been firmly impl工綠emented the nati我影onal reform opening up str物懂ategy, learned from the world aviati件黃on industry, actively con唱這ducted internatio放玩nal cooperation, integrated into th機了e world aviation熱低 industry chain, achieved rapid develo坐友pment growth, bec低會ome an international avia飛見tion industry gro花議up.


AviChina is the flagship 對服company of AVIC's av山唱iation high-tech products servic民街es for both mili會習tary civil purp去近ose. The Airbus Group's incr煙友ease will help to conduc見銀t more cooperation co作時nsolidate the strategic訊頻 partnership with AVIC under the bac中說kground of the 40th 窗好anniversary of reform ope多筆ning up.

上一篇:AVIC is approved to be the pilo能雪t enterprise of state-own視照ed capital investment

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