
Rongfu holds the opening ceremony公音

更新時(shí)間:2018年09月21日 16:41

At 4 pm on September 就雪20, AVIC Rongfu Fund Management 鐵懂(Beijing) Co., Ltd.(“呢算Rongfu”), one of subsidiarie地金s of AviChina, held a城好n opening ceremony at its headquarte鐘厭rs. Representatives of AVIC, 城了AviChina Rongfu att問哥ended the ceremony.

On April 24, 2018, Rongfu completed t睡習he business registration obtained th懂跳e license, meaning AVIC military-又高civilian integration fund st近雜arting to operate.

AVIC military-civilian integration高動 fund is an impor年草tant way for AVIC訊嗎 to integrate milita數到ry-civilian promote production, 樂謝making more direct 訊在powerful use of social r生議esources, boosting the d慢中evelopment of related industri農問es, accelerating t路能he formation of all-fact有歌ors , multi-fields high-efficienc少高y deep developmen能很t pattern of military-話請civilian integration. It用到 is reported that AVIC will no longer s一黃et up group-level industrial 錯舊funds in the future. Based微畫 on the tens of bi山為llions of aviation high-tech indust明坐ry resources of AVIC, the fund w廠可ill have the pri飛習ority investment 筆鄉advantage, attracting mo又機re attention to its pro遠見spects from the market. At prese做去nt, a number of la就說rge state-owned financial in裡就stitutions, including insurance, ba船讀nking other secto樂吧rs, have expressed their int微兵ention to subscribe to the fund. 樂海The raising scale of the first phas她討e reached RMB 10 billion.

AVIC has identified the military-civ學男ilian integration a費唱s a key measure t行制o deepen reform. Therefore商讀, AVIC capitalized attracted fun弟機ds in various way 少報to set up AVIC milit得少ary-civilian in身習tegration fund, seeing it as a platf短湖orm to build a large-coordinat拿村ed new model. After the establishment會銀 of Rongfu, it will be res國要ponsible to set 森放up manage the fund, which will become飛見 an important pl一老atform for AVIC to implement the冷員 national strat頻師egy of military-civilian integratio章熱n.

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