
Mr. Tan Ruisong visits Mr. Liang Zhen小看ying in Hong Kong

更新時(shí)間:2018年09月04日 0器文9:30

On September 4th , Mr. Tan Ruisong, the朋區 Chairman of AVIC the Chai媽見rman of AviChina, Mr. Chen Yuanx雪麗ian, the President of AviChin媽自a, visited Mr. Liang Zhenyi暗美ng, the Deputy Chairman of CPPCC很那 former Chief Executive of t司金he HKSAR, in Hong Kong. Mr. Tan木作 Ruisong introduced the hi房拍storical development, maj家得or achievements坐都 future planning of AVIC. 藍姐With supports of Go友聽vernment of the HKSA明什R taking advantages of t票要he HKSAR, AVIC’s subsidiaries in Hong話劇 Kong, representing by AviChina, have金話 made development through financin銀畫g listing, contrib金車uted to the prosperity of坐湖 the HKSAR. In addit聽南ion, Mr. Tan Ruisong invited Mr老慢. Liang Zhenying to visit AVIC e山的xhibition in the 2018 Zhuhai看鄉 Air Show.


Mr. Liang Zhenying appreciated the 土土visit of Mr. Tan東理 Ruisong, which h放美as enhanced his謝舞 understanding of AVIC, spoke highly 一司of achievements made by AVIC. He intro化海duced the importa亮暗nt role of Hong Kong得黃 in promoting the reform opening up 可紅as well as its overall planning物坐 for future’s deve雜林lopment. Mr. Liang emphasized that刀的 with the support of the的林 Central Government, Hong來森 Kong firmly sticks to the "女那one nation, two systems金鐘" policy plays the role as 拍雪a "super platform" "門金;super contact" ac了上cording to its position, plan線我ning development concepts. In partic票樂ular, he pointed out that th但又e position of Hong Kong as "有務;international transporta裡多tion industry cente件不r" is not only referring能器 to maritime transpo拿兵rtation, but also for air transp兵個ortation. For this purpose, Hong Kon市亮g introduced special tax incentives f錢算or aviation leasing compani服件es.


Mr. Liang Zhenying hoped that訊費, besides financing 路山listing, AVIC could actively pa媽哥rticipate in business低數es as airport ATC systems con東機struction aircraft leasing in Hon影廠g Kong market, strengthe花通n cooperation with呢風 Hong Kong scientific research i綠媽nstitutions, attract global techni家從cal resources talents to serve aviatio購雪n industry.


Mr. Liang Zhenyi服個ng accepted the invi地分tation to visit AVIC exhibition in 區但the 2018 Zhuhai Air Show, also i大民nvited AVIC to participate in the 黃下"Air Silk Road" Inter校嗎national Forum to be held場鐘 in Hong Kong next April.技坐

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