
The approval procedure for gene歌水ral aviation flight is si了討mplified

更新時(shí)間:2013年11月19日 多北16:11

The general avia說相tion industry of畫公 China, which has b體生een restricted by c著跳omplicated appr花錢oval procedure for “taking-off”, 東唱finally gets favora就見ble policies. On November答如 18, the ”Regulations on the工懂 Approval Management of是地 General Aviatio體睡n Flight Mission” (“Regulations”文文 for short) was jointly iss店煙ued by the People's Lib南是eration Army General Staff 間開Department the Civil Aviati他湖on Administration 裡風of China, which prescri近書bes that general avia就人tion flights, except for 9 situatio美船ns, do not have to follow application 讀場approval procedure anymore.要還

It is learned that, the Regulations eff水年ective on December 物暗1 will narrow the scope of flights話要 that required approva村務l. For most general aviation fligh中內ts only flight pla謝公n application mis話姐sion description are required according請開 to Rules on Flight Controlling of C會數hina, except for 9 s亮近ituations, such as cross資妹-border flights or flights through m美報ilitary restricted ai白術rspace.

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