
AVIC CAPDI successively won the bi工到ds for important pro不公jects

更新時(shí)間:2022年05月土睡20日 10:00

Recently, China Aviat信輛ion Planning and Design Institu些物te Co., Ltd. (AVIC CAPDI), the whol城公ly-owned subsidiary of the A頻跳viChina, won the bids 到黑for two important projects, namely Mai學唱ntenance Projec會話t (Phase I) of Air China頻樂 Base at Daxing International Airport什光 and Organic Renewal Planning a為美nd Design Project of C如理hina Oriental Silk M船能arket.

Beijing Daxing International Airpo微兒rt is positioned as a la森服rge international hu說男b airport, and is a world-cla水物ss aviation hub with the highest lev校線el of integration and劇物 the most advanced technologies. The 河筆project won by AVIC CAPDI includes費你 the maintenance ha技我ngars, comprehensive 中湖support building兵微s and power stations, and is another 山計milestone in the lo她她ng-term strategic cooperation相玩 between AVIC CAPDI and 歌器Air China, which fully re熱數flects its advan厭車ced design conc知河ept and mature e愛拍ngineering technology i線湖n the field of maintenance. 北鐵The completion of the project will們時 further improve the layout of Air Chin草服a's maintenance capabili著睡ties, which will help Air China achiev跳慢e the strategic goal of "on少資e city, two air海玩ports" dual-base operation in Be謝地ijing.


Organic Renewal 村妹Planning and Design Project of Chin森物a Oriental Silk Market is located in遠了 Shengze Town, 西白Wujiang District, Suzhou City,玩站 which will rely on local 女慢advantages, focus on cultiva又科ting a textile p還小rofessional market with 科請global influence, and c農拍oordinate the promotion of regi歌如onal industrial transformation and upgr朋朋ading and organic renewal 業如of the market. The win線務ning of the bid fully r為她eflects the planning and consult國國ing strength of AVIC CAPDI in the fiel體費d of urban renewal and t就個he high-end consul愛訊ting and full value cha朋工in service capabilities in the fiel秒劇d of professional 商頻market renewal planning.


AVIC CAPDI is a state-level &a放開mp; large-scale司醫 comprehensive survey得少 and design company with the high拿到est qualifications covering the懂見 entire value chain of e雪靜ngineering constructi煙看on. Its business covers the fields 拍聽of consulting des會看ign, engineering assembly a會快nd equipment assembl電店y. AVIC CAPDI has 醫城the ability to provide 通那customers with a full什到 value chain and a full range of s外件ervices.

上一篇:The 19th anniversary of the establishm業要ent of AviChina