
Strengthen reform and短技 opening up for internationaliza農裡tion

更新時(shí)間:2018年09月06日 09:3聽船0

On September 5th , “AVIC International Forum 201業我8” was held successful熱兒ly in Hong Kong, attractin從家g high attention from all part劇員ies. It has been the first商關 time for AVIC to hold interna費上tional forum in Hong 議舞Kong in the past 40 ye家村ars after China’年花s reform opening up錯間. In the future, AVIC will continu東遠e to strengthen reform to demon章時strate the confi錯日dence of building a world-技問class aviation industry group鄉知.


Mr. Chen Yuanxi謝子an, the President of AviChina, acce能綠pted an exclusive interview with Xin刀子hua News Agency, Ta Kun你數g Pao, Wen Wei Po, C場友hina Securities Journa作坐l China Aviation News to discuss the關做 achievements of AVIC in the past 說日40 years its bright prospects到白 of internationalization market dev拍吧elopment.

Please click on the follow電女ing link to view the full 慢業text::/v-1-2402.aspx

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