
Mr. Liang Zhenying highly prai算習ses AVIC through soc廠男ial media

更新時(shí)間:2018年09月12日 09:3藍鐘5

Recently, Mr. Liang Zhenying, the De樹學puty Chairman of CPPCC former Chi小說ef Executive of HKSAR, publis林資hed an article on Facebook to intro知從duce the relationshi睡多p between AVIC 答弟Hong Kong its outstanding achievemen朋你ts, pointing out that young people wh風我o are dedicated in avi通書ation industry should take adva輛理ntage of national development劇見.

The following is the ful黑窗l text of the ar匠船ticle:

Is there any relationship between A暗很VIC Hong Kong? Absolutely yes上自! Therefore, the Chairman of AVIC lea銀男ds a team to hold a forum 來很in Hong Kong. Nearly 200 airc的兵rafts independently develope村票d by AVIC had participated in the mili報大tary parade for commemorating the 70th 農下anniversary of the victor文票y of the Chinese People's War of R又在esistance Against Japan in 2015. Up 鄉吃to now, AVIC has就但 46 subsidiaries機答 in Hong Kong, develo女輛ping businesses 友白through Hong Kong international platf月得orm. HKUST has already op小坐ened bachelor's degree in 和廠aviation engineering. Duri對慢ng this visit, the Chairman也議 will also visit HKUST to con廠子duct more cooperation. Mo快山re than 40 years ago, many of my c明我lassmates in UK 農物studied aviation engineering街門. But as Hong Kong peop船是le, their career dev們學elopment opportunities in th們但e past were cert舞能ainly not as good as today’s young peop快服le. I hope that young pe麗媽ople in Hong Kong can take advanta火木ge of national development t街木o show their talents.

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