
The activity of "Stepping into到些 Avichina, Stepping into 鄉音strategic hard scie討森nce and technology" was successfu和街lly held in Zhongshan

更新時(shí)間:2022年11月09日 15從如:58


On November 7, the activity 讀風of "Stepping into Avichin購懂a, Stepping into 關高strategic hard sci秒電ence and technology " was小頻 successfully held in Zhongshan, Guan火水gdong. The activity was joint見城ly organized by CICC, Avich說森ina and Guoxin Investment. The mana些熱gement of Avichina and its sub行村sidiaries, namely JONHO光體N Optronic, AVIC Avionics , 朋村AVICOPTER and Hongdu Aviation, AVIC 事多Forstar, as well在見 as more than 100 investo愛金rs from dozens of conpani哥門es participated in the購近 activity.

Avichina said that, fro黑路m the perspectiv門如e of the scientific and technologic了頻al revolution, aviation tec老的hnology is one of the fastest grow海裡ing scientific a海門nd technologica樹拿l fields that have the great樂外est impact on hu說海man production and life 山到since the 20th century.如外 The aviation industr人亮y is closely connected with "high-身山quality", "high-綠我tech" and "high-end 了站manufacturing". Avichin線刀a is the aviation high-tech industry很關 group with the most complete indu國他strial chain of AVIC, and has兒也 an industrial chain 暗相layout integrating aviation equ日些ipment design, research and 學笑development, manufacturing and民書 supporting ser章生vices. Adhering to嗎哥 the principle of ind窗做ependent innovation嗎友, Avichina has achieved a series of 媽件key core technolog綠靜ies and original scientific and technol化冷ogical achievements with 花上independent intelle放業ctual property r這去ights, which has promoted the sustain船黃able development of China讀匠9;s aviation industry.

CICC said that scientific and t習們echnological innovatio刀業n has become the 女雨strategic support for China's 店妹improvement of social pro看路ductivity and comprehensive nat高國ional strength. The report of事吧 the 20th National Congress clearly po湖金inted out that &quo弟了t;strengthen the natio空日nal strategic scientif黃坐ic and technological strength, re但去solutely win the battle ag如技ainst key core techno舊吃logies, promote e子土conomic and social developme舊高nt through self-relianc鐵但e with high-level science and tech我他nology, and improve the q話明uality and efficiency of the real ec用鐘onomy through innovation&quo關讀t;. "Hard science and techn木雪ology" involves aerospa機湖ce, high-end equip校山ment, biotechnol說花ogy, new materia都黃ls and other fields, rep見務resents the key common technologie報說s in key industrial chains 明女that can drive national economic說校 and social change, and is an importa離跳nt source of power to achieve e紅弟conomic restructu日們ring and upgradin作唱g. The aviation 小員industry is a typical repre花窗sentative of the "hard s時東cience and technology" industr那朋y. The development of scientific a關歌nd technological innovation 新愛in the aviation field is an impo房生rtant support for building a下科 national securit請藍y system and achieving the centennia草票l goal of building 為街the military.

Guoxin Investment shared the ser公西vice strategy of hard science and techn歌美ology. Guoxin Inv草樹estment gives ful月讀l play to the role of a professional廠雜 platform for the operation o習門f state-owned capital. Ba謝裡sed on the functional positi白內oning of "serving th跳水e national strategy, supporting s如去cientific and technological in物歌novation and state-owned en這作terprise reform",謝鄉 it focuses on forw花熱ard-looking strateg用慢ic emerging industrie理靜s, especially the hard science and山現 technology in the "choke&懂內quot; link of key core technolog煙高y fields, makes investment layout老拿, helps central ente師輛rprises complement the supply chain w腦動eaknesses of the視到 industrial chai玩制n, and creates a "西能;source" of o師弟riginal technologies.

The activity broug湖計ht together representatives from many f坐小ields such as leading enterprises in th身司e "hard science and technolog但現y" industry, state-owne老畫d capital operating companies, market-o視東riented investment in劇計stitutions and secur現好ities research service instituti議新ons, effectively deepen開做ing understanding between di哥窗fferent fields. The success of the 朋工activity played an importan商路t role in promoting the exchange們能 of aviation and military industr亮暗y and promoting the capital market t湖朋o support the development of a問銀viation industry chain雨舞 and strategic hard s唱木cience and technology innovation.

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