
C919 Obtain the PC, and the 森土large aircraft is ready for the 北中important milestone樂可 of industrializat做吧ion!

更新時(shí)間:2022年12月01日 16:01


On 29 November 2022, CAA劇對C issued PC for C919 to COMAC

C919 is a medium and short ran身腦ge single channel civil jet a看匠ircraft developed by C舞去hina. According to又科 airworthiness management 訊少requirements, C919 can only美弟 operate as a qualified aircraft with現風 passengers after obtai物兒ning TC, PC and AC issued by CA書討AC. These three certi開些ficates have been gradually腦業 improved in the scope of con信這trol, and their importance and diff不工iculty in obtaining have been 人河gradually reduced.

In September, CA男愛AC issued TC for C919, which is 讀快equivalent to the "birth permit&聽明quot; of aircraft, and its role i科得s to recognize that th也姐e design of aircraft meets airworthine土時ss standards. T科西he issue of PC means that the 科呢authority allows the aircraft manufa白睡cturer to conduct mass producti麗員on according to the a分長pproved quality control system.

Obtaining the PC is樹見 an important milestone from th女件e design and development stage to大坐 the mass production stage, marki妹畫ng a solid step towards the industri答雪alization of C91明我9.

Many subsidiaries 上熱of Avichina are important suppliers 門對of C919. Products supplied include a通下irframe structure, slats, landin人你g gear doors, lighting systems, con房藍nectors and other avionics equipment.

上一篇:Shenwan Hongyuan Secu看答rities successfully held地睡 the"Aviation Technology Inves低場tment Forum for Ma影人jor Industries" and launche妹樂d "Shenwan Hong請唱yuan Aviation Technolog購年y Index"

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